
In the realm of anime, innovation often emerges from unexpected sources.  "Go! Go! Loser Ranger!” is a series that takes the conventional Power Rangers concept and turns it on its head

Overview of Reviews

“Sentai Daishikkaku” has garnered mixed yet intriguing reviews from viewers. From praising its unique premise to critiquing its execution, opinions vary widely.

Plot Analysis

The anime introduces a captivating premise where the roles of heroes and villains are flipped. Here, the Power Rangers battle monsters as a form of entertainment

Character Analysis

From the rebellious Fighter D to the enigmatic Yumeko Suzukiri, each character brings a unique perspective to the narrative.

The Animation

While the animation may not be groundbreaking, it effectively complements the action-packed sequences of the anime.

Viewer's Pleasure

Overall, “Sentai Daishikkaku” offers an enjoyable and thought-provoking viewing experience whether you’re a fan of the Power Rangers or seeking something new!


While not without its flaws, the anime offers a refreshing departure from the norm, earning it a solid recommendation from us.

(Overall Rating: 8.1/10)